Essential NHS Services

Essential NHS Services in Leominster

NHS Dispensing

We dispense NHS prescriptions and deliver anywhere in England and will give advice on how to get the most benefit from your medicines. We keep a comprehensive stock of medicines to enable us to fill all prescriptions promptly. We do not provide this service face-to-face, but will deliver your medicine to you instead. This includes the electronic prescription service if we are nominated as your pharmacy.

NHS Repeat Dispensing

We can also dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by your doctor. Ask us for more information about this service.

Medicine containers

All medicines are dispensed in child-resistant containers unless you ask us not to. Please remember: keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children. Our pharmacist can advise you on the safe storage of medicines.

Discharge Medicine Service

If you or someone that you act as a carer for is discharged from hospital with new or changed medication, then we can help to make sure that they get the most from their medication and check to make sure that you understand how to manage it properly and have the support and advice that you require. This service is called the Discharge Medicines Service. To start the service we require a referral from another NHS organisation such as your doctor or your hospital.

New Medicine Service

The New Medicine Service (NMS) is a free NHS service that provides support for people with long-term conditions newly prescribed a medicine to help improve medicines adherence; it is initially focused on particular patient groups and conditions.

The aim of this service is to improve patient adherence to treatment and subsequently reduce medicine wastage. Also, to reduce hospital admissions from adverse drug reactions by identifying them in the early stages of the treatment. During your consultations with the pharmacist, you will also be advised on lifestyle interventions that will help with the management of your conditions.

NHS Unwanted Medicines service

Please contact us if you have any unwanted medicines that you need to return to the pharmacy where we will dispose of them safely.



NHS Health Advice and Self-care

The pharmacist and our trained assistants are available for advice on all medicines and minor ailments, via our website or telephone. We can also give you advice on how to live a healthy life, for example, advice on how to stop smoking or healthy diets. We can direct you to other sources of advice and assistance if we cannot help you ourselves.


We can direct you to providers of services that we do not provide at our pharmacy.

Promotion of Health Lifestyles

We can provide advice to how to make your lifestyle healthier and seek to identify ways that we can assist you to achieve healthier living. We also take part in Public Health Campaigns.

Patient Medication Records

Our computer allows us to keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have. We comply with the Data Protection Act, GDPR and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality. If you want to discuss the records we keep, please contact the pharmacist.

Emergency supplies

If you need one of your regular medicines in an emergency when you are unable to contact your doctor, we may be able to help.

We must stress that this can only be done in genuine emergencies and it may incur a charge. Please contact the Pharmacy for more details. Your doctor can also contact us to request an urgent supply of medicines for you.

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Please get in touch if you have any questions at all.

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